Vertical Day
Vertical Day is a rope rescue competition which is open to teams of vertical professionals (rescuers, rope access technicians).
The teams are confronted with situations during which they must implement rescue techniques. The teams are evaluated both on their technical rope skills and on their treatment of the victim.
We want this event to be as diverse as possible in the origins of the teams (sectors of activity, nationality, diversity, etc.) because beyond the competition this event is also a fabulous moment of exchange and sharing.
The firdt edition in 2024 was near Aix-en-Provence, 2025 edition place is not fully defined but will be around this area.
Our vision
We want an event which will allow teams to be confronted with complex situations which will require analysis skills and mastery of the entire range of techniques and equipment for interventions and developments in dangerous environments.

The team
Our team is made up of vertical enthusiasts guys. From varied origins and professional backgrounds, the rope world brings us together.

For over 25 years, Horizon Vertical provides equipment related to verticality.
It is also a team dedicated to the training.

For more than 10 years we have still shared the same passion for the rope access profession.
We want to allow anyone who is passionate about the rope access profession to be able to prepare for and acquire the CQP rope access worker certifications.
Discover all our training courses for rope-related professions and in particular the rope worker certification.
We prepare all candidates for the different CQP levels with the aim of enabling them to obtain their rope access technician certification.

It's the meeting of professionals rope rescuers access rope access workers in a team who participates in rope rescue competitions.
Rope rescue events are not numerous. With this competition, we want to offer new opportunities for teams to confront original scenarios.
Through our experience as competitors and rope rescue professionals we hope to bring to this event everything you expect from this type of meeting.